Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Breastfeeding and Ugg... not related...

What do you think about this?? If you are breastfeeding and plan to return to work, do you think you'd have enough breastmilk saved before returning?? Yesterday a co-worker had to leave work because her husband ran out of breastmilk to feed the baby. I just think I'd have planned better... or would supplement with formula...

I'm wondering if I do too much... I have a regular full time job, two part time jobs (they take less than 1 hour week total and I usually go during my lunch or my Friday off) and I volunteer at church (this usually means 2-3 evening meetings a month). Well, last night I needed to meet a client after work and then go to a church meeting. Well, my husband was not happy. He works outside and it's really hot right now. He usually picks up Tad from school in the evenings. When they get home he will start to feed him usually before I get home because my son is always starving when he gets home and is ready for dinner. When I have meetings that means he has to feed him, bath him, put him to bed. A lot of this stuff he does already even when I'm home. Yes, I do help, but I guess it's better when two people are here. Well, I don't know if he just had a bad day yesterday or what but he was upset because he things I don't realize what he does around here. I could say the same but I won't go there...

So I'm wondering should I give up my church volunteering... it's only for one more year and then I'll be off the session and won't have to go to there meetings...

He also made a comment that it's only going to get worse because we'll soon have another child.

Yes, I do work a lot about atleast 4-5 months a year because of tax season, but I LOVE my job!!! I make a decent salary that we can't afford to be without... I want to be partner soon which could increase my workload...

I don't know what to do. I'm just a very active, entergetic person...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Different parenting styles...

what do you do when you and your spouse disagree on parenting?? My husband thinks my 2 year old knows when he's doing something wrong. I don't totally disagree, but think he's still learning. Well, this morning at 5 am, he wakes up... I go get him, get him milk and while holding him he sees a Thomas Train package on the counter. Well, it's not for him at 5 am. I tell him no and he proceeds to throw a FIT!! So B wakes up, puts him back in his crib to scream and finally he lays down quietly... B gets him about 30 minutes later...

So now B thinks anytime he does something bad, let's put him in his crib. I don't think his crib should be a place for punishment. B doesn't think time out in the corner works, because he won't sit there. I think 2 minutes is long enough. B thinks he stays until he calms down...

Do 2 year olds really know that much??

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's been awhile...

Since I've updated my blog. Guess I should do that. Currently I'm addicted to a game on Facebook - Knighthood. Yes, it is a BIG, HUGE time sucker!

Well, I just landed me a part-time job. I'm going to do some accounting work for a non-profit. Hopefully, it will also put me in a position to get additional clients for my "real" job. Good luck to myself! Extra money is always nice!

Kristy's blog just made me think about the last 20 years of my life!

20 years ago - I was convincing my parents to let me apply to LSMSA. They didn't want to even think about it!!

15 years ago - getting kicked out of college... taking a sememster off, working full-time, while my friends were thinking "She'll never go back to school!!"

10 years ago - Miserable marriage... thinking of getting divorced... started first job at a CPA firm

5 years ago - Just got engaged! Yeah! Bought a condo with Burnell. Life is much better now!

currently - Blessed with Tad and Burnell! Great job!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Thank God for normal friends

Yesterday I went to visit Kristy, Ander and Loki. First - Loki is so ADORABLE!! I love babies so much.

It was so nice to hang out with "normal" people. After having a few bad days it was so nice. I like that Kristy and I have similar parenting philosophies.

I wish we lived closer!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I think I'd had to let one friend go... It's definitely really hard for me. I'm still wondering if I'm doing the right thing.

I sit back and think - shouldn't a friendship be good for both parties involved? Is a good friendship one where one person gives all the time and the other only receives? Should you benefit from a friendship?

I've been talking to several friends about this situation the past few days. They all agree with me. Even a couple of months ago I talked to my dental hygenist. Yes, it's weird... We are close in age and discuss lots while getting my teeth cleaned. She knows more than a hygenist should know about me and I know more than a regular patient should know. It's a nice little friendship.

Anyway, my last visit she was talking about getting rid of things in her life that were time consuming but not beneficial. I think this friend fits the bill.

She has made me feel HORRIBLE the last couple of days. I think what's best for me is to let her go. I do wish her all the best!!

I have to reread my quote and see if it really applies to me still...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I've been tagged

7 random facts about me:

1. I LOVE Diet Coke. Can't imagine live without it.
2. I'm addicted right now to Facebook and the Knighthood game.
3. I've started exercising again with the hope that I make it longer then a month.
4. I LOVE to read. Must not read much trivia stuff because I suck at that.
5. I am an elder at my church. Even though a "friend" just said I'm not a Christian.
6. Yes, I'm voting for McCain...
7. I take atleast a bath and a shower daily. Sometimes more...

Passing it on

1. E Beth
2. Mathochist
3. Rach
4. Stac
5. Lorna
6. John
7. Just Paca

I want to cry...

the crazy friend is throwing around a LOT of mean things. She's making me question myself?? Her last email said "the reason I quit going to church is because being who claim to be Christian are the most judgemental."

I didn't respond to her email because I feel that's making it worse. I just called another friend of mine to ask her if it's me that's the nutcase...