Monday, July 28, 2008

Six Quirks Meme

Mathochist tagged me for the Six Quirks Meme.

The Rules:

Link the person(s) who tagged me

Mention the rules on my blog

Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of mine

Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them

Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged

My Quirks:

1. I hate walking around the house without socks. I think it's because I have wood floors and I don't like feeling dirt on them. I mop and sweep and vacuum all the time, still doesn't help!

2. I have an obsession with my floors. Since they are wood I feel like they are always dirty. I've bought every imaginable cleaner, mop, etc and still think they are dirty...

3. Even though I'm a CPA and do other peoples taxes, finances, I HATE doing my own! I can't stand paying bills.

4. I'm obsessed with taking baths... I'll bathe in the morning and night. Even if I take a shower before going to dinner, I'll take another when I get home before going to bed.

5. My son must wear an onesie under all his outfits (unless it's an all in one outfit).

6. I'd rather drink Diet Coke from a fountain than out of a can or bottle.

Most people have already been tagged!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Interesting things


The Last Lecture

This was a very good book. I do recommend...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

How do you know if it's answered?? and Finnegan!!

First, I too LOVE the name Finnegan!! If I have another child and it's a son, then that will be one of my choices.

Lately I've been wondering, how do you know if your prayers are being answered? I consider myself a religious person. I've been actively participating in church. I'm an elder now. I want to learn more about the bible, but I'm making progress.

I've decided to turn over my career - job situation to God. Maybe I'm crazy... who knows... I've decided I need to pray about it. How will I know if my prayers are answered? Will one day I wake up and know what to do? Will God send me a sign??

Saturday I leave for Vegas. It's CPE for work. I'm so excited but also nervous. I'll be gone from Saturday until Wednesday. I hope B and T get along alright without me. I know I'm going to really miss them!! I'm excited to have a little time to myself. I rarely get that...

Well, I'm off to get some rest. I'm starting to get sick and I want to be well before my trip!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Why oh why??

Does losing weight have to be so much harder than gaining?? I decided I need to work out more to help with the weight loss. Yesterday I went to the gym at 5am. I did feel much more entergized during the day. When I got off work I walked with Tad to B's sister's house which is about a mile away. Then we walked home. Tad LOVES to go for rides in the stroller. When I pull it out he is so excited. He tries to climb in it by himself. He usually falls asleep for part of the ride.

I don't think I eat a lot of junk so I'm not sure what the problem is. I should go back to WW, but I'm too cheap. I'll see how things go with the excercise plan. I'm also not eating any more ice cream.