Tuesday, September 16, 2008


B was suppose to go to Texas on Monday. I was excited to have some free time to read, etc... Well, he calls me at about 7:15 Monday morning and says he isn't going right now. His crew that he was going to be leading was going back to Ohio because Ike decided to visit there too. Sucks! I was looking forward to that extra money. He may still go, but we aren't sure when. It is nice to see him again since he's been working like crazy for the last two weeks.

I finished the first two "Twilight" books by Stephanie Meyer. I really enjoyed them. Right now I'm on the third one. I recommend them.

I've decided that I'm not very smart. I've been doing the daily trivia from EBeth's blog. I SUCKS!!! It's really embarrassing.

My son is starting to shock me. This evening, he picked up some trash and walked over to the garbage can and threw it away. ALL BY HIMSELF. I didn't tell him to do it. B said, "Did he just throw that trash away?" Yep. He wanted to throw his sippy cup away when he was finished but I showed him were the sink was.

He's obsessed with shoes. He wants to wear his all the time. He also wants us to wear ours. When he sees the shows sitting there, he'll bring them to you.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Taking advantage

This morning on the news they showed the people waiting in line for the emergency food stamps... Oh, my... There had to be atleast 500 people in line and this was at 6:30 in the morning. I just don't believe all those people were affected by this storm. It wasn't Katrina and this isn't where the worst of the storm hit.

I hate to see people taking advantage of things and they clearing are here in NO.

There are plently of people that need help and these people were probably already on food stamps anyway!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Oh, my... where do I begin???

About two weeks ago we went to Destin for vacation. It was a nice little break away from life... Oh, course, we were visited by Hurricane Faye while there, but it was minor. We really had a good time. When we left there on Thursday we knew we were coming home to another possible vacation. Not the good kind of vacation but a hurricane vacation... We decided to leave some things just packed.

Well, we didn't do a good job planning the evacuation this time. B wanted to go to Hammond. Yes, we were close and didn't have to fight all the traffic, but we lost electricity. That's hard when you have a 20 month old. It's also hard when you are stuck in a motel... no windows to open, no door to be left open, one flashlight... Scary also alone in a motel without your husband because he had to return to work.

Next time, we'll definitely go farther even if it means leaving B closer to home. I understand that he has to return to work, but I have to think of my little one.

On Tuesday early am, we left to go to Mobile. We were going to visit Kristy, but they didn't have electricity either so decided we should go towards lights.

My poor husband has been working a LOT since the storm. Poor Tad doesn't get to see him right now. I'm not sure how long this will go on. Guess it depends on Ike...

I have been doing everything around the house, etc. to try and help B. I cut the grass, cleaned the lawn from the storm. One of my friend's husband then insulted my lawn work. I let him know I don't usually cut the grass and I was just trying to help my poor husband out. B said it was fine and I didn't need to do it. I just feel so sorry for him right now...

Tad and I spent the longest time together since the first six months of his life... My hat goes out to all the SAHMs. I don't know how you do it!! Saturday I went to work for a few hours and left him at my mom's. That was the first and only break we had.

Now, Saturday I received a phone call from daycare... no school this week. Thank goodness for B's sister! She's going to help me out this week. Yeah!!

While on hurricane evacuation I did read a good book. The Lovely Bones - I really enjoyed it. Now I'm reading some vampire book by Stephanie Meyer. Recommended by a friend. This isn't something I'd normally read, but so far it seems interesting... I'll keep you posted.