Yesterday I went to visit Kristy, Ander and Loki. First - Loki is so ADORABLE!! I love babies so much.
It was so nice to hang out with "normal" people. After having a few bad days it was so nice. I like that Kristy and I have similar parenting philosophies.
I wish we lived closer!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I think I'd had to let one friend go... It's definitely really hard for me. I'm still wondering if I'm doing the right thing.
I sit back and think - shouldn't a friendship be good for both parties involved? Is a good friendship one where one person gives all the time and the other only receives? Should you benefit from a friendship?
I've been talking to several friends about this situation the past few days. They all agree with me. Even a couple of months ago I talked to my dental hygenist. Yes, it's weird... We are close in age and discuss lots while getting my teeth cleaned. She knows more than a hygenist should know about me and I know more than a regular patient should know. It's a nice little friendship.
Anyway, my last visit she was talking about getting rid of things in her life that were time consuming but not beneficial. I think this friend fits the bill.
She has made me feel HORRIBLE the last couple of days. I think what's best for me is to let her go. I do wish her all the best!!
I have to reread my quote and see if it really applies to me still...
I sit back and think - shouldn't a friendship be good for both parties involved? Is a good friendship one where one person gives all the time and the other only receives? Should you benefit from a friendship?
I've been talking to several friends about this situation the past few days. They all agree with me. Even a couple of months ago I talked to my dental hygenist. Yes, it's weird... We are close in age and discuss lots while getting my teeth cleaned. She knows more than a hygenist should know about me and I know more than a regular patient should know. It's a nice little friendship.
Anyway, my last visit she was talking about getting rid of things in her life that were time consuming but not beneficial. I think this friend fits the bill.
She has made me feel HORRIBLE the last couple of days. I think what's best for me is to let her go. I do wish her all the best!!
I have to reread my quote and see if it really applies to me still...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I've been tagged

7 random facts about me:
1. I LOVE Diet Coke. Can't imagine live without it.
2. I'm addicted right now to Facebook and the Knighthood game.
3. I've started exercising again with the hope that I make it longer then a month.
4. I LOVE to read. Must not read much trivia stuff because I suck at that.
5. I am an elder at my church. Even though a "friend" just said I'm not a Christian.
6. Yes, I'm voting for McCain...
7. I take atleast a bath and a shower daily. Sometimes more...
Passing it on
1. E Beth
2. Mathochist
3. Rach
4. Stac
5. Lorna
6. John
7. Just Paca
I want to cry...
the crazy friend is throwing around a LOT of mean things. She's making me question myself?? Her last email said "the reason I quit going to church is because being who claim to be Christian are the most judgemental."
I didn't respond to her email because I feel that's making it worse. I just called another friend of mine to ask her if it's me that's the nutcase...
I didn't respond to her email because I feel that's making it worse. I just called another friend of mine to ask her if it's me that's the nutcase...
Monday, October 20, 2008
oh, my... am I the crazy one??
I have a friend that I believe is crazy!! She has run all her friends off, boyfriends and doesn't speak to her family. I meet her about 8 or 9 years ago. We were co-leaders for a volunteer committee. Well, we didn't do well together on the committee. She finally decided to quit and we became friends.
She had a few friends then, but over the years they have all disappeared. I have remained friends. She is very time consuming and focused mostly on herself. Over the past few years, there have been times when I have to really back off.
When I was pregnant, renovating my house and working like crazy, she was me, me, me... Never asking how I was. I told her I just couldn't do it anymore. I needed a break. We eventually started talking again.
I feel really sorry for her. I've invited her to many functions with family and friends to try and get her to meet people. My poor friends dread it when she's invited. She talks NONSTOP!! She knows EVERYTHING!!
Well, she's been dating this guy. He seems like a great guy. Problem is he has 3 children. He is a good father and sees them as much as possible. Well, they broke up about a week ago. I called her after receiving her text message. She's crying histerically... I tell her it's going to be alright. That even if things don't work out for them, she'll move on and be fine. I try to explain that we've all been through rough times like this. Well, we finish talking and she calls me back a few minutes later - crying more... I try and tell her the same things but then she shouts - I don't need to hear that. So I say well, I don't know what to say. Maybe I shouldn't be talking to you right now. Good bye.
Now this weekend I get some crazy text messages about how she wishes I could understand how she feels. Also that she didn't want to hear that things may not work out. That I need to be understanding and tell her everything will work out.
Am I crazy?? Should I really lie to her just because that's what she wants to hear??
She had a few friends then, but over the years they have all disappeared. I have remained friends. She is very time consuming and focused mostly on herself. Over the past few years, there have been times when I have to really back off.
When I was pregnant, renovating my house and working like crazy, she was me, me, me... Never asking how I was. I told her I just couldn't do it anymore. I needed a break. We eventually started talking again.
I feel really sorry for her. I've invited her to many functions with family and friends to try and get her to meet people. My poor friends dread it when she's invited. She talks NONSTOP!! She knows EVERYTHING!!
Well, she's been dating this guy. He seems like a great guy. Problem is he has 3 children. He is a good father and sees them as much as possible. Well, they broke up about a week ago. I called her after receiving her text message. She's crying histerically... I tell her it's going to be alright. That even if things don't work out for them, she'll move on and be fine. I try to explain that we've all been through rough times like this. Well, we finish talking and she calls me back a few minutes later - crying more... I try and tell her the same things but then she shouts - I don't need to hear that. So I say well, I don't know what to say. Maybe I shouldn't be talking to you right now. Good bye.
Now this weekend I get some crazy text messages about how she wishes I could understand how she feels. Also that she didn't want to hear that things may not work out. That I need to be understanding and tell her everything will work out.
Am I crazy?? Should I really lie to her just because that's what she wants to hear??
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
B was suppose to go to Texas on Monday. I was excited to have some free time to read, etc... Well, he calls me at about 7:15 Monday morning and says he isn't going right now. His crew that he was going to be leading was going back to Ohio because Ike decided to visit there too. Sucks! I was looking forward to that extra money. He may still go, but we aren't sure when. It is nice to see him again since he's been working like crazy for the last two weeks.
I finished the first two "Twilight" books by Stephanie Meyer. I really enjoyed them. Right now I'm on the third one. I recommend them.
I've decided that I'm not very smart. I've been doing the daily trivia from EBeth's blog. I SUCKS!!! It's really embarrassing.
My son is starting to shock me. This evening, he picked up some trash and walked over to the garbage can and threw it away. ALL BY HIMSELF. I didn't tell him to do it. B said, "Did he just throw that trash away?" Yep. He wanted to throw his sippy cup away when he was finished but I showed him were the sink was.
He's obsessed with shoes. He wants to wear his all the time. He also wants us to wear ours. When he sees the shows sitting there, he'll bring them to you.
I finished the first two "Twilight" books by Stephanie Meyer. I really enjoyed them. Right now I'm on the third one. I recommend them.
I've decided that I'm not very smart. I've been doing the daily trivia from EBeth's blog. I SUCKS!!! It's really embarrassing.
My son is starting to shock me. This evening, he picked up some trash and walked over to the garbage can and threw it away. ALL BY HIMSELF. I didn't tell him to do it. B said, "Did he just throw that trash away?" Yep. He wanted to throw his sippy cup away when he was finished but I showed him were the sink was.
He's obsessed with shoes. He wants to wear his all the time. He also wants us to wear ours. When he sees the shows sitting there, he'll bring them to you.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Taking advantage
This morning on the news they showed the people waiting in line for the emergency food stamps... Oh, my... There had to be atleast 500 people in line and this was at 6:30 in the morning. I just don't believe all those people were affected by this storm. It wasn't Katrina and this isn't where the worst of the storm hit.
I hate to see people taking advantage of things and they clearing are here in NO.
There are plently of people that need help and these people were probably already on food stamps anyway!!
I hate to see people taking advantage of things and they clearing are here in NO.
There are plently of people that need help and these people were probably already on food stamps anyway!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Oh, my... where do I begin???
About two weeks ago we went to Destin for vacation. It was a nice little break away from life... Oh, course, we were visited by Hurricane Faye while there, but it was minor. We really had a good time. When we left there on Thursday we knew we were coming home to another possible vacation. Not the good kind of vacation but a hurricane vacation... We decided to leave some things just packed.
Well, we didn't do a good job planning the evacuation this time. B wanted to go to Hammond. Yes, we were close and didn't have to fight all the traffic, but we lost electricity. That's hard when you have a 20 month old. It's also hard when you are stuck in a motel... no windows to open, no door to be left open, one flashlight... Scary also alone in a motel without your husband because he had to return to work.
Next time, we'll definitely go farther even if it means leaving B closer to home. I understand that he has to return to work, but I have to think of my little one.
On Tuesday early am, we left to go to Mobile. We were going to visit Kristy, but they didn't have electricity either so decided we should go towards lights.
My poor husband has been working a LOT since the storm. Poor Tad doesn't get to see him right now. I'm not sure how long this will go on. Guess it depends on Ike...
I have been doing everything around the house, etc. to try and help B. I cut the grass, cleaned the lawn from the storm. One of my friend's husband then insulted my lawn work. I let him know I don't usually cut the grass and I was just trying to help my poor husband out. B said it was fine and I didn't need to do it. I just feel so sorry for him right now...
Tad and I spent the longest time together since the first six months of his life... My hat goes out to all the SAHMs. I don't know how you do it!! Saturday I went to work for a few hours and left him at my mom's. That was the first and only break we had.
Now, Saturday I received a phone call from daycare... no school this week. Thank goodness for B's sister! She's going to help me out this week. Yeah!!
While on hurricane evacuation I did read a good book. The Lovely Bones - I really enjoyed it. Now I'm reading some vampire book by Stephanie Meyer. Recommended by a friend. This isn't something I'd normally read, but so far it seems interesting... I'll keep you posted.
Well, we didn't do a good job planning the evacuation this time. B wanted to go to Hammond. Yes, we were close and didn't have to fight all the traffic, but we lost electricity. That's hard when you have a 20 month old. It's also hard when you are stuck in a motel... no windows to open, no door to be left open, one flashlight... Scary also alone in a motel without your husband because he had to return to work.
Next time, we'll definitely go farther even if it means leaving B closer to home. I understand that he has to return to work, but I have to think of my little one.
On Tuesday early am, we left to go to Mobile. We were going to visit Kristy, but they didn't have electricity either so decided we should go towards lights.
My poor husband has been working a LOT since the storm. Poor Tad doesn't get to see him right now. I'm not sure how long this will go on. Guess it depends on Ike...
I have been doing everything around the house, etc. to try and help B. I cut the grass, cleaned the lawn from the storm. One of my friend's husband then insulted my lawn work. I let him know I don't usually cut the grass and I was just trying to help my poor husband out. B said it was fine and I didn't need to do it. I just feel so sorry for him right now...
Tad and I spent the longest time together since the first six months of his life... My hat goes out to all the SAHMs. I don't know how you do it!! Saturday I went to work for a few hours and left him at my mom's. That was the first and only break we had.
Now, Saturday I received a phone call from daycare... no school this week. Thank goodness for B's sister! She's going to help me out this week. Yeah!!
While on hurricane evacuation I did read a good book. The Lovely Bones - I really enjoyed it. Now I'm reading some vampire book by Stephanie Meyer. Recommended by a friend. This isn't something I'd normally read, but so far it seems interesting... I'll keep you posted.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I have been so busy at work. I think it's because we are going on vacation and I have so much to do before I leave. Only two more work days to get it all done. I'm sure when I get back I'll be swamped again! I better enjoy my time off. We leave Thursday after work for Destin. We come back the next Thursday and I don't have to go back to work until the day after Labor Day! Yeah! Of course, labor day weekend we have a LOT to do!
Oh, my!!
All I can say is children should not have to be the parent to their parent!! Oh, my... why, oh why do we have to deal with nonsense again!!!
Life just isn't fair.
Life just isn't fair.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Six Quirks Meme
Mathochist tagged me for the Six Quirks Meme.
The Rules:
Link the person(s) who tagged me
Mention the rules on my blog
Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of mine
Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them
Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged
My Quirks:
1. I hate walking around the house without socks. I think it's because I have wood floors and I don't like feeling dirt on them. I mop and sweep and vacuum all the time, still doesn't help!
2. I have an obsession with my floors. Since they are wood I feel like they are always dirty. I've bought every imaginable cleaner, mop, etc and still think they are dirty...
3. Even though I'm a CPA and do other peoples taxes, finances, I HATE doing my own! I can't stand paying bills.
4. I'm obsessed with taking baths... I'll bathe in the morning and night. Even if I take a shower before going to dinner, I'll take another when I get home before going to bed.
5. My son must wear an onesie under all his outfits (unless it's an all in one outfit).
6. I'd rather drink Diet Coke from a fountain than out of a can or bottle.
Most people have already been tagged!
The Rules:
Link the person(s) who tagged me
Mention the rules on my blog
Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of mine
Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them
Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged
My Quirks:
1. I hate walking around the house without socks. I think it's because I have wood floors and I don't like feeling dirt on them. I mop and sweep and vacuum all the time, still doesn't help!
2. I have an obsession with my floors. Since they are wood I feel like they are always dirty. I've bought every imaginable cleaner, mop, etc and still think they are dirty...
3. Even though I'm a CPA and do other peoples taxes, finances, I HATE doing my own! I can't stand paying bills.
4. I'm obsessed with taking baths... I'll bathe in the morning and night. Even if I take a shower before going to dinner, I'll take another when I get home before going to bed.
5. My son must wear an onesie under all his outfits (unless it's an all in one outfit).
6. I'd rather drink Diet Coke from a fountain than out of a can or bottle.
Most people have already been tagged!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
How do you know if it's answered?? and Finnegan!!
First, I too LOVE the name Finnegan!! If I have another child and it's a son, then that will be one of my choices.
Lately I've been wondering, how do you know if your prayers are being answered? I consider myself a religious person. I've been actively participating in church. I'm an elder now. I want to learn more about the bible, but I'm making progress.
I've decided to turn over my career - job situation to God. Maybe I'm crazy... who knows... I've decided I need to pray about it. How will I know if my prayers are answered? Will one day I wake up and know what to do? Will God send me a sign??
Saturday I leave for Vegas. It's CPE for work. I'm so excited but also nervous. I'll be gone from Saturday until Wednesday. I hope B and T get along alright without me. I know I'm going to really miss them!! I'm excited to have a little time to myself. I rarely get that...
Well, I'm off to get some rest. I'm starting to get sick and I want to be well before my trip!
Lately I've been wondering, how do you know if your prayers are being answered? I consider myself a religious person. I've been actively participating in church. I'm an elder now. I want to learn more about the bible, but I'm making progress.
I've decided to turn over my career - job situation to God. Maybe I'm crazy... who knows... I've decided I need to pray about it. How will I know if my prayers are answered? Will one day I wake up and know what to do? Will God send me a sign??
Saturday I leave for Vegas. It's CPE for work. I'm so excited but also nervous. I'll be gone from Saturday until Wednesday. I hope B and T get along alright without me. I know I'm going to really miss them!! I'm excited to have a little time to myself. I rarely get that...
Well, I'm off to get some rest. I'm starting to get sick and I want to be well before my trip!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Why oh why??
Does losing weight have to be so much harder than gaining?? I decided I need to work out more to help with the weight loss. Yesterday I went to the gym at 5am. I did feel much more entergized during the day. When I got off work I walked with Tad to B's sister's house which is about a mile away. Then we walked home. Tad LOVES to go for rides in the stroller. When I pull it out he is so excited. He tries to climb in it by himself. He usually falls asleep for part of the ride.
I don't think I eat a lot of junk so I'm not sure what the problem is. I should go back to WW, but I'm too cheap. I'll see how things go with the excercise plan. I'm also not eating any more ice cream.
I don't think I eat a lot of junk so I'm not sure what the problem is. I should go back to WW, but I'm too cheap. I'll see how things go with the excercise plan. I'm also not eating any more ice cream.
Friday, June 27, 2008
My, oh, my...
My mom works for another local CPA firm. It's a bigger firm than where I work. Well, they know I'm a CPA and are looking for a tax manager. That's what I am now. They are BEGGING me to come meet them and just talk. Is there any harm in just talking to another company?? Why am I scared? Is it because I may then really be interested. I LOVE my current job (except last week). I have a great opportunity to be a partner there. I also have flexibility which is necessary when you have children.
B's cousin works at this other firm and also my mom. They have much flexibility also. They also seem to pay a little more than where I am.
A simple lunch shouldn't be such a big deal, but to me it is... It definitely makes me feel good to be wanted. I guess it's change that scares me too. Maybe I'm not as good as these people think?? Maybe once they meet me they won't want me to come there. Not that I want to work there anyway. It's just the idea that there are options.
I don't know...
B's cousin works at this other firm and also my mom. They have much flexibility also. They also seem to pay a little more than where I am.
A simple lunch shouldn't be such a big deal, but to me it is... It definitely makes me feel good to be wanted. I guess it's change that scares me too. Maybe I'm not as good as these people think?? Maybe once they meet me they won't want me to come there. Not that I want to work there anyway. It's just the idea that there are options.
I don't know...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Different parenting...
I'm just starting to see different parenting styles the last few weeks. Some things people are doing are crazy in my opinion. I think I'm a very laid back parent. I didn't obsess over how many ounces a day my child was eating. I feed him when he was hungry. He was pretty much on a schedule when he was little - every 3-4 hours. I didn't make my own baby food because I just didn't have time. Plus, I don't think baby food in the jars that is already prepared is bad. Lots of people feed it to their babies.
Maybe as more of my friends have babies I'm noticing more parenting styles.
Now some are obsessed with the plastic bottles and not containing some unsafe chemical. As you can see I don't really know what that's all about. I used Avent and I think they may be one of the brands that isn't totally safe. My opinion is if they were harmful, they wouldn't be for sale.
This afternoon I hung door hangers for church. My, my... I was dripping with sweat when I was done. Don't think I should have ventured out at 2 in the afternoon. Oh, well, it's over now.
Well, I'm off to try and watch a movie.
Maybe as more of my friends have babies I'm noticing more parenting styles.
Now some are obsessed with the plastic bottles and not containing some unsafe chemical. As you can see I don't really know what that's all about. I used Avent and I think they may be one of the brands that isn't totally safe. My opinion is if they were harmful, they wouldn't be for sale.
This afternoon I hung door hangers for church. My, my... I was dripping with sweat when I was done. Don't think I should have ventured out at 2 in the afternoon. Oh, well, it's over now.
Well, I'm off to try and watch a movie.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
A new baby in the family
After seeing B's sister-in-law's new baby boy, now I have baby fever. I don't know if I'm really ready for another, but I LOVE babies!!
Nothing really exciting happening here other than I hate my job right now. Not to the point that I want to quit, but I just had a bad Friday... Hopefully it will be better Monday.
I saw another good movie last week - "No Reservations". It was really cute!
Nothing really exciting happening here other than I hate my job right now. Not to the point that I want to quit, but I just had a bad Friday... Hopefully it will be better Monday.
I saw another good movie last week - "No Reservations". It was really cute!
Friday, June 13, 2008
I LOVE to watch movies just about as much as I LOVE to read. Unfortunately my husband does not... I saw Sex and the City the weekend it came out. I LOVED it! I had to go by myself, but that was alright.
This week I decided to try out Netflix. I watched my first movie last night - 27 Dresses. It was really cute!!
This week I decided to try out Netflix. I watched my first movie last night - 27 Dresses. It was really cute!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Super woman??
Sometimes I think that I must be super woman. Am I just different than many women? I talked to a good friend of mine the other day. She has a four-month old baby and seems to be having a hard time adjusting. She expects her husband to do more than he is evidently doing. I don't really expect much from my husband. I do the following... clean the house, wash clothes (he helps if I'm really, really busy), feed the child and bath him, get him ready for school in the morning. Now, my husband usually cooks and cleans up after cooking. I do help. He also takes out the trash, cuts the grass, and usually empties the dishwasher. I realize that I do much more than he does, but I don't mind. I like things done a certain way so I'd rather do them. I don't mind feeding and bathing the baby because I work all day and this is time I get to spend with him.
I also work 40+ hours a week. Is this not normal?
I do have lots of energy. I don't really watch television at night. I'll read while taking a bath at night, but try to stay busy.
I don't find having a child has really changed my life. I still do many of the things I did before him. I still volunteer although the organization has changed. I still work about the same as before. Maybe a little less. I don't exercise as much but I want to spend time with my child so I gave up going to organized exercise classes.
Maybe I'm just not normal?
I also work 40+ hours a week. Is this not normal?
I do have lots of energy. I don't really watch television at night. I'll read while taking a bath at night, but try to stay busy.
I don't find having a child has really changed my life. I still do many of the things I did before him. I still volunteer although the organization has changed. I still work about the same as before. Maybe a little less. I don't exercise as much but I want to spend time with my child so I gave up going to organized exercise classes.
Maybe I'm just not normal?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Oh, my... can I get a new life??
Yesterday was good and bad... It was Tad's first day at his new school. They said he was wonderful! That's always good to hear. When I dropped him off this morning he cried. That was sad! He was happy at first and playing with the toys and then when I said bye-bye, he started running after me. Hopefully it's just a one time thing...
Now for the bad... MIL problems again!!! She's doing what she hadn't done in a while... She stopped by our house, woke Tad up, brought him outside after I bathed him, let his walk around and get dirty... then I put him back in bed, she gets ready to leave... I hear a big boom... We run outside and see her tire had exploded and blew the area of her car above that right off... then she says she has no insurance because she couldn't pay for it... It was the anniversary of her husband's death, but it's been 11 years... Can I say?? GO TO THERAPY!!!
What did I do to deserve this craziness????
Now for the bad... MIL problems again!!! She's doing what she hadn't done in a while... She stopped by our house, woke Tad up, brought him outside after I bathed him, let his walk around and get dirty... then I put him back in bed, she gets ready to leave... I hear a big boom... We run outside and see her tire had exploded and blew the area of her car above that right off... then she says she has no insurance because she couldn't pay for it... It was the anniversary of her husband's death, but it's been 11 years... Can I say?? GO TO THERAPY!!!
What did I do to deserve this craziness????
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Phillip is great!
I LOVE Tad's pictures!! They turned out so cute!
I definitely recommend Studio Rouge, LLC!
I definitely recommend Studio Rouge, LLC!
The most exciting, challenging, and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself," she said. "And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous." Carrie from Sex and the City.
I'm having a "Sex and the City" marathon right now before Saturday. I'm on Season 2. Hopefully tonight I can finish and move to Season 3.
This will be my second movie since Tad! I can't wait!!
I'm having a "Sex and the City" marathon right now before Saturday. I'm on Season 2. Hopefully tonight I can finish and move to Season 3.
This will be my second movie since Tad! I can't wait!!
Am I doing the right thing with my life?
After getting together with some of B's family this weekend I started wondering am I doing the right thing? There were many, many stay at home moms there or part time working moms. One made me wonder should I be working? She said she can't get things done if she works more than just three hours a day. Oh, my!! What would she do if she worked all day??
I'd love to be home with my son more, but we can't financially. Second, I do love my job!!
So now I sit and wonder am I doing the right thing??
I'd love to be home with my son more, but we can't financially. Second, I do love my job!!
So now I sit and wonder am I doing the right thing??
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
So excited!!
I found Tad a new daycare!! It's so much more than daycare. It's actually more like preschool. They have summer camp in the summer and school will start in September. He's going to start the week after July 4th. I hope he's as excited as me!
I've been having some concerns were he is so this will be great. Now I'll just have to get a second job to pay for it!
I've been having some concerns were he is so this will be great. Now I'll just have to get a second job to pay for it!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
New blog
I decided to start another blog. Some family members found my blog and I just can't talk about things on there because they then bring them up when I see them. I just don't like that...
I'll keep my other blog for Tad updates because that's what they like. I'll use this blog to just post other things.
I'll keep my other blog for Tad updates because that's what they like. I'll use this blog to just post other things.
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